
About me Hello, my name is Ainara and i´m 25 years old . I am studying a higher degree in children's education, my dream is to be able to work in a nursery school as an educator. I consider myself loving and cheerful. My Family I live with my parents. My mother's name is Antonia, she is very good with everyone. My father's name is Tomás and he likes to do things outdoors. Go to the countryside for mushrooms, catch crabs, catch snails ... My brother Jonathan is the middle of the brothers. He is studying why he wants to be a policeman. Zuleima is my little sister, she is a lover of animals. In my family we also have pets they are Blaky my dog ​​and Maguie my cat. My city I live in Albacete is a very big city. In it there are places of tourist interest such as La Feria, El pasaje Lodares... Daily life I am currently doing practice of the course of leisure and free time. I am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the morning in a bebeteca, on Thursday afternoons in Centr